Civic Engagment

Black Women’s for WellnessJob Openings @ Black Women for Wellness (

Black Women for Wellness started as a group of women who – concerned with the health and well-being of black babies – teamed up with the Birthing Project to implement the Shangazi Program. They are committed to the health and will-being of Black women and girls through health education, empowerment and advocacy.

Community Service Unlimited Community Services Unlimited : Serving The People Body and Soul – Serving The People Body and Soul (

Their mission is to foster the creation of communities actively working to address the inequalities and systemic barriers that make sustainable communities and self-reliant life-styles unattainable.They are committed to supporting and creating justice-driven community-based programs and educational initiatives, which seek to foster dialogue, and create awareness and critical consciousness. They envision equitable, healthful and sustainable communities that are self-reliant, inter-relating and where every individual has the support and resources needed to develop to their fullest capacity.

LA Black Worker Center Los Angeles Black Worker Center (

The mission of the Los Angeles Black Worker Center is to increase access to quality jobs, reduce employment discrimination, and improve industries that employ Black workers through action and unionization.